A field study on the relationship between perceived store crowding and consumer response
crowding, field study, retailling, store patronage, attitude toward the storeResumo
The objective of this research is to verify the relationship of store crowding and shopper patronage and attitude towards the store, as well as whether this relation is moderated by individual characteristics such as income and hedonic motivation. First, we administered a pilot study through in-depth interviews with consumers and a retail consultant expert. Then, a two-factor design (high versus low crowding) x 2 (high versus low income) between subjects was adopted. Independent variables were measures, not manipulated. All hypotheses tested were supported by evidence from the sample analyzed in real shopping situations. Perceived crowding reduced positive attitude towards the store (H1) and store patronage (H2). Individuals with higher incomes had a more negative attitude towards the store and patronage levels reduced as perceived crowding increased. Our study has implications for retailers and contribution to the theory, since most studies so far have been testing the effect of crowding on consumer response in the laboratory, with significant degree of artificiality. Although not characterized as an experiment, our study test such relationship in the field.
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