Investigação em omnichannel
o que tem sido discutido sobre o tema desde 2011 – entendendo a atual posição da pesquisa.
Omnichannel, operações de varejo, integração de canais, gerenciamento omnichannel, múltiplos canais.Resumo
O omnichannel tem se mostrado como uma forte estratégia para fazer a integração dos diferentes canais do negócio, prezando pela melhoria na qualidade do atendimento e dos serviços ou produtos que a empresa oferece, a fim de melhorar a imagem de marca e cativar mais clientes. Neste contexto os objetivos desta revisão são: (i) elaborar uma linha do tempo sistemática sobre as publicações ao longo dos dez anos da existência do omnichannel mapeando o foco das pesquisas; (ii) destacar as mais recentes discussões sobre omnichannel e (iii) identificar a lacuna das pesquisas na relação entre omnichannel e consumidores (iv) sugerir caminhos para pesquisas futuras. Para tanto foi desenvolvida uma análise sistemática com identificação dos artigos mais citados na base de dados Scopus considerando as palavras-chave ‘omnichannel’, ‘omnichannel retail’ e ‘omnichannel retailing’. Este trabalho identifica a evolução da discussão do assunto ao longo dos anos e aponta como estudos mais recentes a experiência positiva do consumidor e a tomada de decisão em estratégia omnichannel. Entre os resultados nota-se um crescimento significativo das publicações sobre o tema nos últimos três anos e a maioria dos estudos são de origem estadunidense. Percebe-se, também, que a literatura sobre omnichannel ainda é muito esporádica, dispersa e fragmentada entre Journals, autores e linhas de pesquisa. Uma exaustiva literatura sobre a integração e gestão dos canais utilizados pelas organizações é encontrada, porém, conclui-se, que existe uma lacuna na literatura que estude a visão dos consumidores de forma mais aprofundada, destacando a percepção dos riscos envolvidos no omnichannel.
ABG Sundal Collier (2019). Riverbed Retail Digital Trends Survey. In: Equity Research.
Adivar, Burcu; Hüseyinoğlu, Isik O. Y. & Christopher, Martin (2019). A quantitative performance management framework for assessing omnichannel retail supply chains. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 48, May 2019, Pages 257-269.
Ailawadi, Kusum & Farris, Paul (2017). Managing Multi- and Omni-Channel Distribution: Metrics and Research Directions. Journal of Retailing. Volume 93, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 120-135.
Bass, Jeroen; Sschotten, Michiel; Plume, Andrew; Cote, Grégoire & Karimi, Reza (2020). Scopus as a curated, high-quality bibliometric data source for academic research in quantitative science studies. Quantitative Science Studies ; 1 (1): 377–386.
Bell, David; Gallino, Santiago & Moreno, Antonio (2014). How to Win in an Omnichannel World. MIT Sloan Management Review. 56, 45.
Bell, David; Gallino, Santiago & Moreno, Antonio (2018). Offline Showrooms in Omni-Channel Retail: Demand and Operational Benefits. Management Science. 64.
Berkvens, P (2012). Scopus custom data documentation. Elsevier. Disponível em: Documentation_Version9, acesso em 01 de dezembro de 2021.
Brynjolfsson, Erik; Hu, Yu & Rahman, Mohammad (2013). Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing. MIT Sloan Management Review. 54. 23-29.
Cai, Ya-Jun & Lo, Chris (2020). Omni-channel Management in the New Retailing Era: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 229.
Chang, Ya Ping & Li, Jingwen (2022). Seamless experience in the context of omnichannel shopping: scale development and empirical validatio. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 64.
Cui, T.H.; Ghose, A; Halaburda, H.; Ivengar, R.; Pauwels, K.H.; Sriram, S.; Tucker, C., & Venkataraman, S (2020). Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 85, 103 – 120.
Du, Shaofu; Wang, Li e Hu, Li (2019). Omnichannel management with consumer disappointment aversion. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 215, September, Pages 84-101.
Gao, Fei & Su, Xuanming (2017). Online and Offline Information for Omnichannel Retailing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, vol. 19, n. 1.
Gao, Mengjia & Huang, Lin (2021). Quality of channel integration and customer loyalty in omnichannel retailing: The mediating role of customer engagement and relationship program receptiveness, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 63.
Grant, M. Estratégia omnichannel aumenta vendas em 241%. (2019). Forbes. Disponível em: Acesso em 01 de dezembro de 2021.
Herhausen, Dennis; Binder, Jochen; Schoegel, Marcus & Herrmann, Andreas (2015). Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online–Offline Channel Integration, Journal of Retailing, Elsevier, vol. 91(2), pages 309-325.
Hossain, Taufique; Akter, Shahriar; Kattiyapornpong, Uraiporn & Dwivedi, Yogesh (2020). Reconceptualizing Integration Quality Dynamics for Omnichannel Marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 87.
Jin, Delong; Caliskan-Demirag, Ozgun; Chen, Frank & Huang, Min (2020). Omni-channel retailers’ return policy strategies in the presence of competition. International Journal of Production Economics, v.225.
Juaneda-Ayensa, Emma; Mosquera, Ana & Sierra Murillo, Yolanda (20160. Omnichannel Customer Behavior: Key Drivers of Technology Acceptance and Use and Their Effects on Purchase Intention. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 7.
Lazaris, Chris & Vrechopoulos, Adam (2014). Human-Computer vs. Consumer-Store Interaction in a Multichannel Retail Environment. Some Multidisciplinary Research Directions, Volume 8527.
Lazaris, Chris; Vrechopoulos Adam; Sarantopoulos, Panagiotis & Doukidis, Georgios (2022). Additive omnichannel atmospheric cues: The mediating effects of cognitive and affective responses on purchase intention, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 64.
Lee, Z.W.; Chan, T.K., Chong, A.Y. & Thadani, D.R. (2019). Customer engagement through omnichannel retailing: The effects of channel integration quality. Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 77, Pages 90-101.
Li, Yang; Liu, Hefu; Yang, Feng; Lim, Eric; Goh, Jie & Lee, Matthew (2018) Customer's reaction to cross-channel integration in omnichannel retailing: The mediating roles of retailer uncertainty, identity attractiveness, and switching costs. Decision Support Systems, Volume 109, Pages 50-60.
Mahrous, Abeer & Hassan, Salah (2016). Achieving Superior Customer Experience: An Investigation of Multichannel Choices in the Travel and Tourism Industry of an Emerging Market. Journal of Travel Research. 56.
Mankodiya, Kunal; Martins, Rolando; Francis, Jonathan; Garduno, Elmer; Gandhi, Rajeev & Narasimhan, Priya (2013). Interactive Shopping Experience through Immersive Store Environments. Conference: International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, 8014. 372-382.
Mirsch, Tobias; Lehrer, Christiane & Jung, Reinhard (2016). Channel Integration Towards omnichannel management: a literature review. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Mishra; R, Singh, RK & Koles, B (2021). Consumer decision-making in omnichannel retailing: Literature review and future research agenda. Int J Consum Stud. 45: 147– 174.
Nageswaran, Leela; Cho, Soo-Haeng & Scheller-wolf, Alan (2020). Consumer Return Policies in Omnichannel Operations. Management Science, v.66 (12).
Nguyen, Anh Thi Van; McClelland, Robert & Thuan, Nguyen Hoang (2022). Exploring customer experience during channel switching in omnichannel retailing context: A qualitative assessment, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 64.
Nobert, Beck & Rygl, David (2015). Categorization of multiple channel retailing in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni‐Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 170-178.
Omnisend (20200. The 2020 Marketing Automation Statistics Report. Omnisend. Disponível em, acesso em 01 de dezembro de 2021.
Piotrowicz, Wojciech & Cuthbertson, Richard (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue Information Technology in Retail: Toward Omnichannel Retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 18. 5-16. .
Rigby, Dayrrell (2011). The Future of Shopping. In: Harvard Business Review. December 2011. p.64-76.
Shen, Xiao-Liang; Li, Yang-Jun; Sun, Yongqiang & Wang, Nan (2018). Channel Integration Quality, Perceived Fluency and Omnichannel Service Usage: The Moderating Roles of Internal and External Usage Experience. Decision Support Systems, Volume 109, Pages 61-73.
Shi, Si; Wang, Yi; Chen, Xuanzhu & Zhang, Qian (2020). Conceptualization of omnichannel customer experience and its impact on shopping intention: A mixed-method approach. International Journal of Information Management, Volume 50, Pages 325-336
Zupic, Čater T (2015). Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3):429-472.
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