Investigação em omnichannel

o que tem sido discutido sobre o tema desde 2011 – entendendo a atual posição da pesquisa.





Omnichannel, operações de varejo, integração de canais, gerenciamento omnichannel, múltiplos canais.


Omnichannel has proven to be a strong strategy to integrate the different business channels, focusing on improving the quality of service and the services or products that the company offers, in order to improve the brand image and attract more customers . In this context, the objectives of this review are: (i) to elaborate a systematic timeline on publications over the ten years of omnichannel existence, mapping the focus of research; (ii) highlight the most recent discussions on omnichannel and (iii) identify the research gap in the relationship between omnichannel and consumers (iv) suggest paths for future research. For that, a systematic analysis was developed with identification of the most cited articles in the Scopus database considering the keywords 'omnichannel', 'omnichannel retail' and 'omnichannel retailing'. This work identifies the evolution of the discussion on the subject over the years and points out as more recent studies the positive consumer experience and decision-making in omnichannel strategy. Among the results, there is a significant increase in publications on the subject in the last three years and most studies are of American origin. It is also noticed that the literature on omnichannel is still very sporadic, dispersed and fragmented among Journals, authors and lines of research. An exhaustive literature on the integration and management of channels used by organizations is found, however, it is concluded that there is a gap in the literature that studies the consumers' view in more depth, highlighting the perception of risks involved in omnichannel.


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How to Cite

DE CARVALHO, G. J. (2022). Investigação em omnichannel: o que tem sido discutido sobre o tema desde 2011 – entendendo a atual posição da pesquisa. International Journal of Business Marketing, 7(2), 37–55.


