“Mais que imagem, percepção”. Um estudo sobre o customer-based reputation (CBR) no setor de telefonia móvel


  • Christiane Rocha e Silva Centro Universitário Newton Paiva


Reputação corporativa baseada no cliente, Telefonia móvel, Brasil Reputation Index 2016, Site Reclame Aqui


The article aimed to evaluate the perception of the mobile phone user about the reputation of the largest companies operating in Brazil, based on Walsh and Beatty’s (2007) multidimensional Customer-based reputation (CBR) model. To map customer perceptions of corporate reputation, a desk survey was conducted from the 2016 Brazil Reputation Pulse report, which pointed to the telecommunications segment with the worst corporate reputation index based on customer perceptions across 23 industries. searched. A content analysis was also performed on the Reclame Aqui website to identify and typify complaints from telephone service users. The study concludes with a survey, which measured the perception of mobile phone consumers about the attributes of CBR. It is believed that the consumer’s image of the rational and emotional dimensions of corporate reputation is decisive in the process of acquisition of goods and that this process derives from a good relationship with the company. The results also indicate that companies planning their customer communications tend to create a favorable image and manage their reputation more assertively and closer to the consumer.


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How to Cite

e Silva, C. R. (2019). “Mais que imagem, percepção”. Um estudo sobre o customer-based reputation (CBR) no setor de telefonia móvel. International Journal of Business Marketing, 4(2), 41–54. Retrieved from https://ijbmkt.org/ijbmkt/article/view/130


