LGBTQ Representativeness in the Marketing Mix:
How to give visibility to this consumer?
Marketing mix, LGBTQ, Representativeness, BrandsAbstract
LGBTQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Queer) customers have emerged as an important segment for their purchasing ability and companies have shown a heterogeneous level of responsiveness to them. Some companies show greater interest in engaging in affirmative action and friendly practices, for example, supporting rights, sponsoring events, inclusive advertisements, etc. In others, there is also differential treatment, including denial of service, excuse and prejudice, as the results and incidents reported in the media indicate that LGBTQ customers remain discriminated against. Therefore, these consumers must be studied, considering their particularities and needs. Thus, this research aims to understand how the LGBTQ consumer feels represented by the brands Natura and Skol, under the contribution of the marketing mix. For this, a qualitative and quantitative study was developed, simultaneously, through a focus group and an online survey. The results show that the factors related to the product and the promotion, of the marketing mix, are the most relevant when it comes to the representativeness and visibility of the LGBTQ consumer. Furthermore, this evidence reveals that, in general, the LGBTQ public does not feel represented in any of the studied brands.
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