Purchasing behavior and sustainability: a study in a brazilian city
consumption, sustainability, consumers buying behaviorAbstract
Although the consumers awakened about environmental deterioration severity and the influence purchasing behavior on the environment, studies indicate that Brazilian consumers are not yet changing their attitudes and behaviors. Their behavior consumption is inconsistent with preservation and socio-environmental development. However some studies have shown that demographic characteristics like age, education level and income influences the sustainable consumers buying behavior. The objective of this paper was to verify if the distinct demographic characteristics of the consumers from São João del Rei influences their sustainable consumers buying behavior. After a questionnaire survey, the results showed that, in general, consumers do not yet have a sustainable consumers buying behavior because they engage with socio-environmental issues when: they feel directly affected or it’s more convenient for them; they have opportunities and information to be able to choose; and they are more influenced by conditional and functional values. It was also observed that income, scholar and age influence positively the higher level of sustainable consumption behavior.
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