Plangram image congruence and consumer choice:
an experiment using eye-tracking
Neuromarketing, Consumer, Congruence, Planogram, RetailAbstract
The task of finding a target among so many distractors is directly connected to visual attention in the retail environment. The research aimed to identify consumer visual reaction and product choice in a retail environment with the use of eye tracking. The experimental research was based on participant observation, use of eye-tracking technology under varied stimuli, and planned actions in front of a product category planogram with congruent packaging design. Data collection was conducted through two studies with a varied sample in the retail laboratory of a higher education institution and with the use of eye tracking in front of mixed scenarios. Regarding Study 1, the goal was to recognize the process and the environment. This was crucial in stipulating the control variables for the next experiment. Study 2, with the variables controlled for distance, observation time, and with the variation in the planogram setup, the facing test technique was applied. In this collection it was possible to verify the visual field more directed to the centrality of the gondola, influencing the decision to choose this position. Moreover, the object of interest represented that the time minimally exceeded the target of 200 milliseconds of observation, and the congruence of the packaging did not interfere in the product choice. Such results contribute to academic and managerial knowledge in marketing, specifically regarding consumer behavior towards future confirmatory studies.
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