Big Data and Ethics

contemporary aspects and approaches in times of disruption and revolution of 5G technology


  • Laura de Azevedo Knorr ESPM
  • Mariana Dourado Castro ESPM
  • Roberto Rodolfo Georg Uebel ESPM
  • Paola Zanchi ESPM


Big data, Ethics, 5G, Disruption, Data


The advent of new communication technologies and their ensuing generation of data and Big Data at hyperdynamic scale and speed has raised new debates about ethics and data protection, the object of analysis of this article. Under the context and paradigm of the disruption and revolution of 5G technology, this research uses the dialectical-critical method and bibliographic research to query the ethical implications in the use of Big Data. The results show the incidence of new dimensions and issues, especially the role of technological agents in data protection and its use respecting the ethical principles of connected civil society.


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How to Cite

Knorr, L. de A., Castro, M. D., Georg Uebel, R. R., & Zanchi, P. (2024). Big Data and Ethics: contemporary aspects and approaches in times of disruption and revolution of 5G technology. International Journal of Business Marketing, 9(2), 4–19. Retrieved from


