
  • Durval Lucas Júnior Universidade Federal de São Paulo / Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing




educação empreendedora, negócios digitais, problem-based learning, processos de aprendizagem, relato de experiência


Even considering that the internet is currently broadly used by people and organizations, Higher Education Institutions, especially in the business field, face a complex scenario when they need to define approaches oriented to teaching entrepreneurship focused on digital markets. In addition, the need to become youngers as protagonists of the learning process encourages using innovative methodologies oriented to the association between theory and practice. In this sense, this paper aims to present the report of the teaching experience when offering the course "Digital Business Management", discussing elements such as the interrelation with the curriculum of the Administration bachelor’s degree, the methodological approaches used, and the outcomes obtained in a pedagogic perspective. Therefore, a teaching experience report was carried out based on narrative methodologies, supported by multiple data sources. Regarding the structure of the course, it can be said that the connection between theory and practice has been successful, insofar as students are able to develop their own business in a controlled environment – ​​under supervision of a professor – at the same time they receive theoretical subsidies throughout the classes. This is in line with what is recommended in the Brazilian “National Curriculum Directive for Administration”, generating a motivating environment among students, and effectively placing them as protagonists in the learning process. The high levels of dropout can be an important challenge to face in this context, mainly through incentives to entrepreneurial activity within the academic path.


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How to Cite

Lucas Júnior, D. (2023). A PRÁTICA DA EDUCAÇÃO EMPREENDEDORA POR MEIO DA DISCIPLINA “GESTÃO DE NEGÓCIOS DIGITAIS”: RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA DOCENTE. International Journal of Business Marketing, 8(1), 4–14. https://doi.org/10.18568/ijbmkt.8.1.251



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