Behavior intention in coping cloud adaptation


  • Mariana Melo UFES
  • Marcelo Brandão UFES


Cloud, Data Scientists, Technology Adaptation, Coping Theory


This study investigates the indirect impact of perceived technology complexity on the adoption of cloud platforms by data scientists in Brazil. Specifically, it examines the mediating role of perceived work-related opportunities and behavioral intentions, as well as the use of exploration-to-innovate coping strategies. The research employs an online questionnaire survey and uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis, SEM, and OLS to analyze the data. The findings suggest that a serial mediation effect focused on behavioral aspects can better explain the adoption of cloud computing technology. The study identifies the need for further investigation into the potential moderating effects of voluntariness and self-efficacy on the relationship between perceived technology complexity and cloud platform adaptation. Moreover, incorporating other exogenous constructs such as new adaptation strategies, job outcomes, and job satisfaction may provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing technology adoption in the context of data science. The study highlights that reducing technology complexity can lead to increased adoption, better user experience, better retention rates, more innovation possibilities, and better competition position. However, additional training and support requirements for data scientists can increase the cost and time required for onboarding and maintenance. A cloud platform that is easy to use can enable remote work and collaboration, opening up opportunities for job growth and flexible work arrangements. This can be particularly beneficial for Brazilian professionals who have strong innovation skills but limited training and support. By transcending geographic barriers and infrastructure limitations, a user-friendly cloud platform can help bridge the digital divide. On the other hand, a complex cloud platform can widen the digital divide, particularly in developing countries, exacerbating existing inequalities. The research contributes to theory building by providing a serial mediation framework that better explains technology adaptation phenomena by combining coping theory and technology acceptance model.


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How to Cite

COSTA LOURO, A., Melo, M., & Brandão, M. (2024). Behavior intention in coping cloud adaptation. International Journal of Business Marketing, 9(1), 62–74. Retrieved from


