The Relationship Between Logistics Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Omnichannel Environment
Logistics services. Satisfaction. LoyaltyAbstract
The general objective is to examine the relationship of the components of logistics services as predictors of satisfaction and loyalty, with the type of channel as a moderator based on the perception of customers in the omnichannel environment. The study is based on Murfield's model with exposure and analysis of the constructs of availability, punctuality, physical conditions, customer satisfaction and loyalty. An online questionnaire was sent to a non-probabilistic convenience sample, the results of which were treated and analyzed using the SEM technique. The results supported the hypotheses that predicted that there would be a relationship between logistics services and customer satisfaction in the models tested. The study showed that satisfaction is a predictor of loyalty and that the type of channel chosen does not alter either the meaning or the strength of relationships. Managers should invest in logistics services because they impact customer satisfaction. This paper presents a theoretical model that contributes to the discussion of the relevance of logistics services for customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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