Product Launch Formula: A strategic study on product launches in a digital scenario


  • Jônatas Araújo Mesquita Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Evandro Luiz Lopes
  • Diego Nogueira Rafael Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
  • Eliane Herrero Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing


The internet brought significant changes in the society’s foundations. This research constitutes an effort to bring visibility to the impact of the web on contemporary studies around Administration and Management in digital marketing in Brazil. The present research aims to understand the principles that make up the semi-structured strategy of launching products and services in an online scenario called Product Launch Formula. The method is the result of a new way of thinking about marketing, using the online scenario exclusively as a mean of reaching the client, ruling out the need for physical spaces and offline actions. In this new scenario, there are no outlets, no inventory, and everything is hosted in the cloud. The general objectives that guided the efforts in the present work are the mastery and the apprehension of its principles, by surveying the state of the art of literature on the subject, and then deepening the knowledge about the theory and its essential elements. As a methodological guideline, we verified the effectiveness of the referred strategy, through the application of semi-structured interviews with four managers of the area and, finally, we carried out a qualitative analysis of the obtained content.


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How to Cite

Araújo Mesquita, J., Lopes, E. L., Nogueira Rafael, D., & Herrero, E. (2024). Product Launch Formula: A strategic study on product launches in a digital scenario. International Journal of Business Marketing, 9(2), 72–93. Retrieved from



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