Absorptive capacity as a dynamic capacity

approaches and directions related to the construct


  • Camila Carlos da Rocha Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


Capacidade absortiva. Capacidade dinâmica. Revisão sistemática.


According to studies by theoretical authors of the last decades in the area of ​​Strategic Marketing and Knowledge Management, the dynamic business capacity is the ability to integrate, construct and reconfigure the internal and external competencies of a company to deal with environments that are constantly changing and changing. Absorptive capacity is the entrepreneurial ability to identify, assimilate and apply for commercial purposes a knowledge generated outside the company. Also, this capability has a responsibility to influence the productivity of innovative activities within the organization. There is a theoretical line in the studies and articles published in recent years that points to these two capacities together: the absorptive capacity is one of the dynamic capacities of a company, whose objective is to receive, organize, interpret and apply knowledge in some resource, process or Product that impacts business performance. The aim of this article is to search for the understanding of how the studies related to the absorptive capacity - being a dynamic business capacity - are being approached in the literature of the areas of study of marketing and knowledge management in the last five years and how it Is directing future research on the topic. For the accomplishment of this work a review of the systematic literature was carried out that identified ten articles for the discussion of the theme. The contribution of this study concentrates on the identification of the flow of definition of the phenomena addressed and suggests what can be prioritized in the next researches and publications of the Marketing, Strategy and Management journals.


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How to Cite

Carlos da Rocha, C. (2018). Absorptive capacity as a dynamic capacity: approaches and directions related to the construct. International Journal of Business Marketing, 3(2), 076–087. Retrieved from https://ijbmkt.org/ijbmkt/article/view/43


