Opportunity in the educational segment


  • Camilla Castro Ferreira Magdaleno Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Marcos Antonio Franklin Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Instituição de ensino superior; oportunidade de mercado; modelo de negócio.


This report is based on the methodological approach for practical and applied work. The paper presents the opportunity to open a higher education institution in dentistry, called APLHA, founded by the class association BETA. In view of the history of the association, the objective of promoting innovative dentistry through technologies such as 3D classes, technological equipment for the production of radiographic images and the creation of prototypes for practical learning and the positioning of ALPHA in the market were developed institutional policies and guidelines, as well as a business model, that will allow the administration of the institution and subsidize decisions inherent to its future. In order to facilitate the opportunity in the educational segment, five proposals were developed: implementation of the mission, vision, values, objectives, policies and institutional guidelines, implementation of the student service nucleus (NAD), implementation of the research nucleus, extension and postgraduate (NuPEP), reformulation of marketing strategies and hiring a company to develop research in the educational market, with the respective earning potential and its costs.


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How to Cite

Magdaleno, C. C. F., & Franklin, M. A. (2019). Opportunity in the educational segment. International Journal of Business Marketing, 4(2), 55–71. Retrieved from https://ijbmkt.org/ijbmkt/article/view/102



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