The influence of product placement on purchase intention and brand recall on different perceptions of verisimilitude


  • Larissa Sousa Guimarães EACH USP
  • Gabriel Lima Constantino EACH USP


Product placement, Communication, Brand Awareness, Animated film, Live action


Product placement consists in a strategy in which brands and products are introduced into movies and series without a break in programming. This strategy has been increasingly adopted by different companies due to low public tolerance for conventional advertising. This paper aims to evaluate whether the use of product placement influences brand recall and purchase intention, in two levels of movies’ realism. To test the research hypotheses, a 2 x 2 factorial experiment (presence or absence of product placement; animated film or live action) between-subjects was conducted with 145 respondents. Tests were conducted by ANOVA. Results indicate that, unlike what is explored in the marketing literature, product placement may not be efficient


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How to Cite

Guimarães, L. S., & Constantino, G. L. (2019). The influence of product placement on purchase intention and brand recall on different perceptions of verisimilitude. International Journal of Business Marketing, 4(2), 19–29. Retrieved from



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