The Marketing of Heineken Experience

Adapting existing theory with homegrown strategies


  • Gandhimohan Viswanathan Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



estratégias de marketing, Heineken Experience, cervejarias


Inspired by the importance of marketing strategies to diverse organizations, this study aims to analyze the strategies adopted by Heineken Experience, the historical site of the brewery in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The methodology is qualitative and descriptive, involving a case study. In order to have a better foundation for the research, an interview was conducted along with a tour of the company. Contrary to what might be expected based on the literature of current theory, it was found that Heineken Experience uses heterodox implementation of their marketing strategies. This innovative application of the existing theory shines light on a possible gap between the theory and practice of marketing strategies. On the one hand, the analysis of the marketing strategies of Heineken Experience is consistent with the current theory, but on the other hand it was found that the company does not use market segmentation and that the specific manner of their application of 4Ps strategy deviates from the expected pattern, being implicit rather than explicit. The analysis presented here points to a possible path forward to better understand, and hence teach, the practice and theory of marketing. This advance also contributes towards recontextualizing certain theoretical aspects of the conventional wisdom. The efficacy of the marketing is given priority, independently of whether or not it conforms to the traditional theoretical framework.


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How to Cite

ABDIAS, T. C., & Viswanathan, G. (2024). The Marketing of Heineken Experience: Adapting existing theory with homegrown strategies. International Journal of Business Marketing, 9(1), 4–16.


