Process mapping in public ombudsman:

a pathway to citizen participation in an educational institution


  • Gizelle Chaar Negreiros Maria Euda Caldeira de Souza e Merched Fayad chaar Júnior
  • Biancca Castro Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Sandro Freire Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro


Process Management, Process Mapping, Public Ombudsman, Federal Institute of Education


Purpose: This research proposed process maps for the public ombudsman of the Manaus Centro Campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Amazonas (CMC/IFAM), focusing on workflow, internal procedures, and interactions among participants in handling user complaints. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical approach of process management was adopted, using the method of comparative analysis of process maps from three Federal Institutes of Education (IFs). The research proposed a standard for process flows, based on the application of BPM techniques and the use of BPMN notation. Findings: As a result, process maps were developed for each type of complaint (report, complaint, suggestion, compliment, and request for action), achieving standardization of conduct and procedures with user-friendly language for interaction with citizens and potential application in other public sector ombudsmen. Originality: The discussions and results presented in this study address underexplored and emerging topics, as it involves the analysis of process management in public ombudsmen of Federal Institutes of Education, Science, and Technology, applying nascent techniques in public administration to model user complaint processes in IF ombudsmen, aiming to identify gaps and opportunities.



How to Cite

Chaar Negreiros, G., Scarpeline Castro, B., & Luís Freire de Castro Silva, S. (2024). Process mapping in public ombudsman: : a pathway to citizen participation in an educational institution. International Journal of Business Marketing, 9(2), 20–36. Retrieved from



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