Adoption and Use of Mobile Applications
Revisiting The Rogers Curve in The Digital Era
Mobile application; Application adoption; Behavior of users; UTAUT2Abstract
The aim of this study is to identify how occurs the adoption of mobiles applications by Brazilian consumers taking as basis the process of diffusion and adhesion proposed by the curve model presented by Rogers (1995) and also the adapted model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), proposed by Venkatesh, Thong & Xu (2012). Based on references, it was developed an analytical model subjected to validation through a survey conducted with 257 users of mobiles applications. Data were analyzed by analysis of multiple linear regression and cluster analysis with exploratory applied quantitative. In response to the problem of research, the results showed four clusters presenting themselves adhesion characteristics where the constructs “Effort expectancy”, “Conditions Facilitators”, “Hedonic Motivation” and “Habit” directly influenced the behavior of Intent users of mobiles applications
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