The Interaction Between Crowding Perception and Purchase Motivation and its Effect on Purchase Intention


  • Amanda Rolim Dreger
  • Clécio Falcão Araújo
  • Lélis Balestrin Espartel


Crowding perception; Purchase Motivation; Intention to buy


High density of customers is a common problem faced in the day to day of retail. While retailers want to get new customers and keep old customers, with payment facilities, campaigns and promotions, there is a possibility that the store will be full, and this will diminish the consumer’s intention to buy. The high density of people can cause a negative psychological sensation, where the subject finds himself in a situation where he demands more physical space than he does. This phenomenon is called crowding perception. This research sought to approach the conceptualizations and empirical applications of this phenomenon, as well as to relate it to another variable that also resonates in the universe of consumption: the purchase motivation. In order to find out if there is an interaction between these two variables, and to measure the main effect of the perception of crowding in the intention to buy, two experimental studies were performed. The results confirmed the main effect of the crowding perception in the intention to buy, as well as demonstrated a moderation of the purchase motivation in the relation between the crowding perception and the intention to buy, so that consumers with utilitarian motivation presented greater intention to buy than subjects with hedonic motivation. In doing so, the research contributes to studies on buying motivation, crowding perception, and intention to buy.


Author Biographies

Amanda Rolim Dreger

Mestre em Marketing (PUCRS). Doutoranda em Marketing (PUCRS)


Clécio Falcão Araújo

Mestre em Marketing (PUCRS). Doutorando em Marketing (PUCRS)


Lélis Balestrin Espartel

Doutor em Administração (UFRGS). Professor Adjunto PPGAd (PUCRS)



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How to Cite

Dreger, A. R., Araújo, C. F., & Espartel, L. B. (2017). The Interaction Between Crowding Perception and Purchase Motivation and its Effect on Purchase Intention. International Journal of Business Marketing, 2(2), 87–97. Retrieved from


