Scale development and validation


  • Alamir Costa Louro UFES
  • Jurij Jaklič Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana
  • Marcelo Moll Brandão UFES


Palabras clave:

Marketing Analytics, Organizational Culture, Fit, Scale Development


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a scale for a fit construct based on Marketing Analytics and Organizational Culture.

Design/methodology/approach – The research was carried out in two stages: a step-by-step scale development is documented with confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis with other important constructs from Marketing was tested.

Findings – The present work gave a detailed scale development for a fit construct permitting the tests of its correlation with organizational performance, Marketing capabilities, and absorptive capacity. It suggests exploring the mediation role for other capabilities as the mechanism to enable Marketing Analytics and Organizational Culture fit to impact performance.

Practical implications – The authors enabled managers to understand how Marketing Analytics works, and what managers need to develop and articulate with their work teams involved in market knowledge learning. The expertise of these teams is used to recognize the value of new market knowledge, assimilating and applying them as analytical information.

Originality/value – The new second-order construct aims to narrow the marketing capabilities gap in the literature using the fit approach with culture.



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Cómo citar

Costa Louro, A., Jaklič, J., & Brandão, M. M. (2023). MARKETING ANALYTICS & ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE FIT : Scale development and validation. International Journal of Business Marketing, 8(1), 45–61.


